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GoFit Door Anchor for Tubes and Resistance Bands


The GoFit Door anchor is made of heavy duty, premium components. Its firm interior “Stopper” is contained within thick and durable nylon webbing, double-stitched for optimal performance. Please follow attached safety and attachment instructions that are included with this item.

Get effective strength training at home or anywhere with GoFit's Rubber Resistance Training System. The GoFit Ankle Strap is a key element of this portable weight-resistance system. The Go Fit Ankle Strap quickly and conveniently let you use the Power Tubes and Super Bands for lower body exercises.


The GoFit Rubber Resistance Training System lets you purchase each item separately to create your own ultra-effective workout. As your training progresses, simply expand your system with more resistance options. For example, use one Door Anchor with a variety of Tubes or Bands depending on your particular workout.

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