Established in 1983, the Fruta brand of juices was developed to provide Caribbean juice drinkers with a range of high quality fruit juices. An established brand with thirty five (35) years of juice expertise, Fruta has been a leader in innovation from the very beginning.
In the 1980’s Fruta was the first brand anywhere in the world to pioneer technology using two-piece aluminium cans to package fruit juices without the need of preservatives or refrigeration. The brand continued to revolutionise packaging trends in the Caribbean by bottling juices in hot-filled PET plastic packaging again without the need for harmful preservatives or refrigeration .
The brand continues to drive innovation in its liquid formulations, providing appealing blends of exotic flavours, and ensuring that the brand is aligned with consumer and industry trends across the globe. Fruta has become the blending experts, with top blended exotic flavours including Guava Pineapple, Fruit Punch, Apple Cherry, Orange Carrot and Orange Pineapple.
Fruta continues to innovate by reducing the sugar content of Fruta by over 40% in keeping with trends in the global health as well as with their packaging and sizes. It is by this persistence to continuously be better as a brand that Fruta has become a household band for many people around the world.